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One body through diligent practice surgery,cheap fifa coins, can make the body produce an interior strength can control yourself, even if a person became a war. War forces generated by the body, also called air war. Different stages of the air war will be showing a different color. War throughout the body by showing a red air war, the war 's primary in the above, there is war and war who were high-end mid-range. From beginner to advanced, will gradually deepen red, light red, dark red, crimson. In the territory of the hierarchy if war were to go further, to become a warrior environment.

Soldiers reached the realm of air war will change to orange,fifa 14 coins, from beginner to advanced, light orange, dark orange, golden orange. Beyond the border soldiers can be called teacher, becoming the division throughout the war. War division also points throughout the early, middle and high third-order. Soldiers throughout the war to break through to the division territory, war gas will change to yellow, from beginner to advanced, light yellow, orange, golden yellow. It is said that if we can break the division throughout the war, to the legendary realm of the holy war, the air war will turn blue. War who practice extremely difficult, common among those who practice martial arts, but also every hundred have no more than ten persons everyone can become a successful war.

