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That two people attacked with, Fuxi figure ran on their own. But no matter how strong Jiabu Zhu old attack ah! Fuxi part of the graph matrix is ​​destroyed, spare also consumes most of the soul, only to fall asleep. Fuxi map in accordance with the original instructions drifted three clear boundary, and that two people may be afraid of three ray ban sunglasses uk clear attack, and then ran away. Fuxi figure falls Yuanshi Senior's hands. Fall into the hands of time Fuxi Yuanshi Senior map has not been the same, and the Fuxi also been eliminated, Yuanshi Senior looking Fuxi map, tears, Who!

Then think of Fuxi cheap ray ban sunglasses also affected not only hurt, is out of their wits! Fuxi map is Yuanshi Senior refinery became Gods, gave ginger. Ginger did not know specifically what the Gods, it is a relatively expensive when treasure, lost Yan'er. However, the ancient bean itself and blood sprayed into the Fuxi map (generally erupted on the tongue are blood, cultivators can control when and blood spray, but ordinary people can not control), Fuxi avatar is sleeping, and suddenly sensitive to fine spray of blood to someone, they woke up.


